We got a big night on WWE NXT Battleground with some great title matches and a big return!

WWE NXT Battleground kicked off from the UFC Apex, and the first match of the night was the six-woman Ladder Match for the NXT Women’s North American Championship. We got some great title matches as well as an action-packed Underground match tonight.

WWE NXT Battleground Results (June 9, 2024):
Kelani Jordan won the Ladder Match to become the new NXT Women’s North American Champion
Nathan Frazer & Axiom def. The O.C. to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship
Lola Vice def. Shayna Baszler
Oba Femi def. Wes Lee & Joe Coffey to retain the NXT North American Championship
Roxanne Perez def. Jordynne Grace to retain the NXT Women’s Championship
Trick Williams def. Ethan Page to retain the NXT Championship
WWE NXT Battleground Results: Sol Ruca vs. Jaida Parker vs. Michin vs. Fallon Henley vs. Lash Legend vs. Kelani Jordan – Ladder match for the NXT Women’s North American Championship
Lash Legend and Kelani Jordan started brawling in the ring while Michin took Jaida Parker out with a ladder near the announce desk. Sol Ruca and Jordan sent Legend outside before double dropkicking a ladder into Fallon Henley. Bodies were flying all over the arena and Booker T nearly got taken out since the announce desk was very close to the ring.

Legend was caught in the corner and took a ladder to the gut before Parker hit a seated senton on Jordan, who was lying on a ladder suspended from the middle rope. Lash tried to reach for the title but Michin stopped her before we got a four-way sleeper hold with Michin, Legend, Ruca, and Jordan.

Parker and Legend caught Kelani on top of the rope with a modified abdominal stretch. Ruca hit a facebuster on Parker on a ladder and Henley did the same to Sol. Two ladders were in the ring now and Legend got dropped onto a third ladder on the outside by the others.

Michin hit a big DDT but was dropped from the ladder before Ruca got the Sol Snatcher on Parker. Michin tossed Sol outside the ring before Jordan took Michin out with the moonsault and grabbed the title for the win!

Result: Kelani Jordan won the Ladder Match to become the new NXT Women’s North American Champion

Grade: A

WWE NXT Battleground Results: Nathan Frazer & Axiom (c) vs. The O.C. – NXT Tag Team Championship match
The champs were in control early on, and Nathan Frazer was tagged in for a big dropkick on Karl Anderson. Axiom came back, and Anderson targeted his injured shoulder before tagging Luke Gallows in, who got some big moves but took a DDT from Axiom.

Frazer came in with a slingblade and a standing shooting star press before missing the Phoenix Splash and taking the TKO from Anderson.

The O.C. got the Magic Killer on Axiom, but Frazer came in with a dive and broke up the pin. Gallows dropped Frazer on the apron with a chokeslam before Axiom dodged a top rope move and hit a Super Spanish Fly on Anderson. Nathan came in with the Phoenix Splash on Anderson and picked up the win.

Result: Nathan Frazer & Axiom def. The O.C. to retain the NXT Tag Team Championship

Grade: B+

WWE NXT Battleground Results: Lola Vice vs. Shayna Baszler – NXT Underground Match
The match started with some sparring, and Shayna Baszler got the first takedown before stomping on Lola Vice and tossing her into the walls of the arena.

Vice took a German Suplex before getting caught in an ankle lock but managed to break out of it. Baszler was caught in a sleeper hold and the two fell outside with the hold still locked in.

Baszler got out of it and cleared the announce table before going for a knee strike against it, but Vice moved out of the way in time. Vice used the opportunity to smash Baszler’s knee into the ring post before going for the calf crusher in the ring.

The Queen of Spades recovered and locked in an armbar before Vice sent her into the steel steps. Vice dragged Baszler back to the ring and got some big fists before picking up the win.

Result: Lola Vice def. Shayna Baszler

Grade: A

WWE NXT Battleground Results: Oba Femi vs. Wes Lee vs. Joe Coffey – North American Championship match
Wes Lee and Joe Coffey teamed up against Oba Femi right off the bat, and the champ took them out with double chokeslams before tossing Lee into Coffey. Femi got a stalling vertical suplex on Lee as Joe tried to interfere but the champ just ignored his strikes.

Joe managed to hit Femi with a sidewalk slam for a near fall before lifting the champ on his back. Lee came in with a double stomp off the top rope on Femi as he was being carried, and Joe hit a big slam to top it off.

Femi dodged the Cardiac Kick before the rest of Gallus came out and attacked Femi, hitting them with a Magic Killer variant outside the ring.

In the ring, Joe got some big moves on Lee for a near fall before Femi got back up and dropped Mark and Wolfgang, tossing them into the steel steps.

Lee got a superkick and a double knee stomp on Joe before getting the Cardiac Kick, but Gallus broke up the pin from ringside. Lee hit a dive on Mark and Wolfgang before Femi got some big powerbombs in the ring and picked up the win.

Result: Oba Femi def. Wes Lee & Joe Coffey to retain the North American Championship

Grade: A-

WWE NXT Battleground Results: Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace – NXT Women’s Championship match
Roxanne Perez was in control early on and got a sneaky jab to the eye before going after the left arm of the TNA Knockouts Champ. Perez had a modified arm bar locked in, but Jordynne Grace lifted her and broke the hold. Grace hit a big slam from the top rope before hitting a headbutt but missed the Juggernaut Slam.

Grace got a big spine buster for a near fall before Perez got a DDT and a Rana. Perez tried for the Pop Rox on the apron and Grace blocked it but took a DDT to the floor. Roxanne tried for an inverted Pop Rox, but it was countered before Tatum Paxley came in and stole the TNA Knockouts Championship.

Former WWE Superstar Dana Brooke, now known as Ash by Elegance in TNA, tried to stop Paxley from taking the TNA title before Grace left the ring and knocked them both out.

Back in the ring, Grace got the Juggernaut Slam before Perez came back with the Pop Rox and picked up the win.

Result: Roxanne Perez def. Jordynne Grace to retain the NXT Women’s Championship

Grade: B+

Gallus attacked Wes Lee backstage and tossed him into the road cases before officials came and broke it up.

WWE NXT Battleground Results: Trick Williams (c) vs. Ethan Page – NXT Championship match
Ethan Page started off strong and delivered a beatdown on the champ after taking him down with a kick. Trick Williams dodged a knee in the corner and got some strikes on his own before getting dropped on the steel steps.

Page cleared the announce desk but then went back into the ring for a rope-assisted backbreaker.

Trick was dropped off the top rope before the match went outside, and Page was sent over the barricades. Page took a big uranage from the champ but managed to drag Trick outside for a big slam through the announce desk.

Back in the ring, Page got the Ego’s Edge for a near fall before the champ came back with the Trick shot knee and got the win.