Emma Watson says she ‘couldn’t keep going’ while filming ‘incest’ scene in Harry Potter

Now, acting can already be a pretty tough job even at the best of times what with memorising endless lines, getting into a billion different characters and handling some pretty awkward scenes.

And that was exactly the case for Emma Watson who once revealed she ‘couldn’t keep going’ while filming an ‘incest’ scene in Harry Potter.

It was that bad she even went as far as to dub it ‘the most horrible thing I’ve ever had to do’ and, to make matters worse, all her co-stars wanted to be on set so they could witness what must have been one of the most awkward moments of her life.

Emma Watson opened up about the 'most horrible thing' she had to do on set.

You might have guessed what she’s talking about already and it revolves around a moment which happened during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Fans familiar with the books knew it had been coming for a long time and so did Watson, which likely only added to the dread she felt when the time finally came to film it.

We are of course talking about the romantic kiss Emma Watson and Rupert Grint had to act out between their characters Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

Readers of the Harry Potter books would have been expecting it for a long while considering it’s pretty clear that Hermione and Ron get together.

The thing is, Watson and Grint had spent a good portion of their lives working together filming the movies and it ended up with them being ‘so much siblings’ to each other, which led her to describe it as being like ‘incest’.

Back when the movie first released she told Jonathan Ross it was ‘the most horrible thing I’ve ever had to do’ because it ‘felt like incest’.

The pair shared a smooch in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.
Warner Bros

The actor explained that for part of the scene she had her eyes closed and that was alright, but then they ‘had to open our eyes and look at each other’ which was the point where ‘we couldn’t keep going’.

During the Return to Hogwarts reunion show Watson and Grint both agreed that the kiss between Hermione and Ron was one of the most excruciating things for them to film in the movies.

It was made worse by the fact that they ‘just kept laughing’ at what was meant to be a really dramatic moment.

Someone who definitely didn’t help things was Daniel Radcliffe, who admitted in the reunion show that he was ‘just being an absolute d**k about this’ as he wanted to be on set to witness the kiss.

He apologised for making it weird, as since they all saw each other as siblings, it would have been like making out with one of your brothers while the other watches.

There was one of her co-stars on the Harry Potter set who Watson was interested in and that was Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy.

However, nothing ever happened romantically between them and he used to say ‘you’re like my little sister’. It turns out he was aware of her crush on him but ended up wanting to be just good friends.