Great Britain – She is said to have been abused and beaten by her first husband. For the first time, “Harry Potter” author JK Rowling (54) speaks about the years of violence she had to endure.

Rowling (54) is currently facing a lot of hate online, which reminds her of dark times past.Rowling (54) is currently facing a lot of hate online. This reminds her of dark times past. ©  Joel C Ryan/Invision/AP/dpa
JK Rowling is once again the focus of numerous discussions online. But this time it is not (only) her statements about transgender people.

In a long, emotional text, she formulates responses to all the reactions her original tweet elicited.

But first things first. A few days ago, JK Rowling caused a stir when she claimed that only women menstruate.

The LGBTQ community did not like that at all. After all, trans men also menstruate (TAG24 reported). After some back and forth, Rowling apologized – but this apology was not really accepted.

Numerous stars such as Daniel Radcliffe (TAG24 reported) commented on the 54-year-old’s views and distanced themselves from her statements.

On the evening of June 10, Rowling posted a link to her Twitter account titled “TERF wars.” TERF stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist,” a term she has often been referred to by.

In a very long letter, she once again sets out her views clearly and unambiguously. She speaks openly and stresses that she has always supported transgender people. However, she says she is concerned that so many young people want to change their gender. She is also aware of many cases in which transgender people want a way back to the gender they were born with.

She lists five reasons why she is concerned about current transgender activism. Her fifth reason reveals dark secrets that she has kept well hidden from the public in recent years.

Rowling says she was abused and beaten

Her Harry Potter works brought her worldwide success. She is still successful as a writer today.She enjoyed worldwide success with her “Harry Potter” works. She is still successful as a writer today. ©  Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/dpa
Rowling says that she has been in the public eye for over twenty years. She has never spoken out about being a victim of domestic violence and sexual abuse . She also wanted to protect her daughter from her first marriage because it was her father, Jorge Arantes, who beat her. He recently openly admitted this.

Rowling does not reveal who sexually abused her.

She says: “The scars that come from violence and abuse don’t go away, no matter how much you are loved. […] I pray that my daughter will never have the same reasons that I do to hate sudden loud noises.”

She wants every female to be safe. This applies to transgender women as well as women of color. Because she can understand what it is like to be a victim of this violence.

On the other hand, she notes what she thinks it means to open women’s changing rooms and toilets to men who identify as belonging to the opposite sex.

Confirmed gender certificates can be issued without the need for surgery or hormonal intervention. Rowling writes that the door is thus opened “to any and all men who wish to come in.”

She was showered with hatred

Under the motto "Courage for Freedom", participants in the Christopher Street Day (CSD) parade march through the city center of Stuttgart. The political parade stands for the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people.Under the motto “Courage for Freedom”, participants in the Christopher Street Day (CSD) parade march through the city center of Stuttgart. The political parade stands for the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. ©  Christoph Schmidt/dpa
Rowling said she felt triggered when she heard on Saturday morning that the Scottish government wanted to make it easy for anyone to change their gender. All they had to do was say they wanted to.

She remembered the abuse she suffered in her 20s, a time from which she still suffers greatly today.

That evening, she wrote the infamous post that brought her so much criticism.

She had not expected all the hatred, all the death wishes, all the curses against her.

You can see how affected the otherwise seemingly strong author is.

The red-haired woman emphasizes once again that transsexual lives are important and that there must be strong rights for them.

At the same time, she also speaks of her fear. Numerous women are said to have contacted the British woman to tell her that they too have been victims of trans activists and are afraid to go public with the threats.

The 54-year-old ended her essay by mentioning her past because, like every other human being in the world, she has a complex backstory that influences her fears, interests and views.

“All I ask – all I ask – is that the same empathy and understanding be extended to all the millions of women whose only crime is to have their concerns heard without becoming victims of threats and violence.”

The author has been happily married to Neil Murray since December 2001. Her essay, in which she continues to defend her tweet, is likely to offend many people.