While LeBron’s back was turned, Beverley gestured that he was ‘too small’ to guard him, a move which got the Chicago bench off its feet.

When footage of the savage moment flooded social media, it went instantly went viral.

In response to Hoop Central’s video, one Twitter user said: “Pat Bev has had this game circled on his calendar from the minute he signed with the Bulls.”

While another replied: “PAT BEV OWNS HIM LMAO.”

As a third commented: “IS THIS YOUR KING??? He just ended the Lakers’ season.”

Meanwhile, replying to Blecher Report’s clip, one person said: “Pat Bev is LeBron’s daddy.”

And one added: “That boy Pat a menace.”

The video itself has already racked up millions of views online.

A former Laker himself, Beverley had almost certainly penciled in the fixture against the team who traded him.

Speaking to the Chicago Sun Times ahead of the game, Beverley said: ‘‘You can point at a lot of things, but everything happens for a reason.’’

‘‘They’ve gotten better after the trade. The Bulls after the All-Star break, we’ve gotten better, and that’s what it’s all about. At the end of the day, we’re playing basketball. We’re not out there a UFC fighter or a boxing match. We’re able to compete at the highest level, and to do it on a stage in L.A. is always fun.’’

He added: ‘‘I’ve always been wired like every game is the most important, so I don’t want to put too much on one game.’’

‘‘The first game is just as important as the last. Whatever game you have next is the most important. That’s always been my mindset.’’

The ultimate show of disrespect.

Patrick Beverley just scored on LeBron James and hit him with the ‘too small’ taunt.

It’s the ultimate show of disrespect from one of the sport’s most average to one of the sport’s greatest.

LeBron’s Los Angeles Lakers were taking on the Chicago Bulls, a game they ended up losing 118-108.

With his team in the leads, Bulls guard Beverley drove towards the basket looking to create an opportunity.

Dummying one way, he pivoted towards the basket and went one-on-one with LeBron and managed to score past him.

But as LeBron went to pick up the ball for the restart, Beverley celebrated by taunting in his face.