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J.K. Rowling Says She Would “Happily Do Two Years” in Prison Over Her  Transphobic Views

J.K. Rowling claims that she is willing to do prison time over her transphobic views.

On Tuesday, Rowling posted a tweet with the caption, “No” in response to a 2018 photo from Dazed magazine with the message, “Repeat after us: Trans women are women.” In one of the replies, someone said that if the Labour Party takes charge of the UK government, a two-year stint in prison could be the punishment for misgendering someone.

“I’ll happily do two years if the alternative is compelled speech and forced denial of the reality and importance of sex,” the Harry Potter author responded. “Bring on the court case, I say. It’ll be more fun than I’ve ever had on a red carpet.”

Rowling seemed to be referencing a story in the Daily Mail published on Saturday, which claimed that the Labour Party could make the act of deliberately using the wrong gender pronouns into a hate crime if it came into power.

According to the article, the Labour Party would classify “attacks motivated by hatred of the victim’s gender identity” as aggravated offenses, bringing them in line with “assault and harassment motivated by hatred on the grounds of race or religion.” The punishment for the latter crime is up to two years in prison.

The Mail then cited an unnamed source in the opposing Conservative Party claiming that the Labour Party wants to use this policy to jail those who refuse to use a transgender person’s preferred pronouns: “We’ve seen people arrested for misgendering but this isn’t enough for Labour — they want them locked up for two years.”

Rowling has been expressing anti-trans views dating back to at least December 2019. After summing up her beliefs in a 3,600-word transphobic manifesto in June 2020, she hasn’t looked back. Rowling has since blocked Stephen King on Twitter for NOT being transphobic, said people who take hormones are showing “pure laziness,” made a man wearing a dress the villain in a novel, and criticized a bill in Scotland that makes it easier for folks to legally change their gender.

Oh, and she’s also published a book about a woman who is persecuted for being transphobic. At the very least, no one can accuse Rowling of not committing to her beliefs.