In the 21st century, many travelers don’t want to just lie on the beach but they also want to learn the culture of the country and its people. You can always expect to make interesting discoveries, especially if it is in an authentic place like Japan.
In a Japanese beauty salon, they cover your face with a napkin when washing your hair in order to not spoil your makeup and to let you relax.

© ToriChyanChannel / YouTube
You can’t show your tattoo in many public places. Before going to the gym, you have to cover it with a patch.

© AliExpress
“This thing can be found in all the elevators at my hotel in Japan.”

© Declanmar / Reddit
Ordinary swimwear in Japan is considered too revealing. Japanese women love closed models: with skirts, in the form of a sundress or T-shirt with shorts.

Subways in Japan have “Women Only” cars.

© CommitteeOfTheHole / Reddit
“The way the movers arranged my boots to keep my floor clean.”

© JuanJoseOle / Reddit
Japanese women carefully take care of their faces from a young age, especially the gentle skin around eyes. They never rub it, but dab it gently.

© Beauty Insider / YouTube, © Sephora / YouTube
“The gum I bought in Japan comes with a stack of paper for easy disposal.”

© tikuku / Reddit
This pizza box in Japan has a handle in the middle to keep the pizza flat.

© SaekoZ2 / Reddit
In Tokyo, housing is more tightly packed than almost any other metropolis. So they build skinny houses which are narrow and tall.

© Particular_Ad6495 / Reddit
Hospital food in Japan

© cvltivar / Reddit
Japanese white strawberries that smell like strawberries but taste like a mild strawberry without any acid.

© bunny4e / Reddit
Dogs are really loved and spoiled there. They are often nicely dressed and walked in a stroller like a baby.

In Japan, you can tie the sticker on a Coke bottle in a bow by pulling a tab.

© saxter11 / Reddit
Anti-theft system for bags

© ktansai / Twitter
The sweat of the majority of Japanese people doesn’t smell bad. Therefore they use spray deodorants that control the amount of sweat, but not the smell.

The public toilets have transparent walls. But they become matte when someone is inside.

© South China Morning Post / YouTube
The majority of Japanese restaurants have realistic plastic menu displays.

© burgerthrow1 / Reddit
Some construction worker’s jackets have air conditioning.

© schmistopher / Reddit
There is a device in the library that sterilizes your books for 30 seconds.

© Reuters / YouTube