Jennifer Lopez Ben Affleck Divorce Kids Parent Trap

Are Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck getting parent trapped?? LOLz!

It sounds like no one is more upset about the couple’s current estrangement than their children — who are trying to get their parents to make nice! According to a source on Wednesday, the couple’s combined five children are desperately trying to get them “back together” — and under a tight timeframe, too!

Ever since J.Lo and Ben started taking time apart, their kids have also been separated. Ben and Jennifer Garner‘s children — Violet, 18, Fin, 15, and Samuel, 12 — have been splitting time between their parents’ LA homes while J.Lo’s twins — Max and Emme, 16 — have mostly been with her as she travels or at summer activities. The whole group hasn’t been all together since Samuel’s graduation last month!

Source SWEARS Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez Don't 'Hate' Each Other -  They're Just Going Through A Lot! - Perez Hilton

Still, they’ve stayed in touch and are working on getting the duo to reconcile. A source shared:

“The kids think Jennifer and Ben are really, deeply in love, like soul mates and they don’t want them to divorce.”

Awww! That’s so sweet! The insider added:

“They want them to work it out for better or for worse, like their vows said. And they do feel that the two should continue counseling and talking it out, even if it is painful. They feel like if they do and say the right things that there could be more peace.”

And they’re hoping it’ll happen fast! The confidant added that the kiddos would love it if the couple was back together to celebrate the pop star’s 55th birthday as a family — on July 24! That gives ’em just two weeks to turn things around! The source explained:

“There is hope they could all celebrate together for a mellow family party in Los Angeles.”

Really!? Feels like a miracle would need to happen for that to occur! Or maybe just some mischievous kids with an unstoppable plan!

Speaking of… the Bennifer brood is already working hard to turn things around, the insider said:

“They highlight the positive attributes each have.”

They also know Ben’s attitude needs work, the source pointed out:

“He is a prickly one, he can be grumpy, that is true for sure, he is not a happy go lucky kind of dude, even if he is very intelligent and funny. The kids are trying to get him to lighten up and let stuff go.”

But the Atlas star has issues of her own to work on, they added:

“She needs to work less and relax more. The twins’ dad Marc Anthony has always said that: Jenny needs to relax and enjoy her life more, he told her for years and years to do this. Now Max and Emme are doing the same.”

Well, after canceling her tour, all she seems to be doing is traveling and relaxing — and she doesn’t have plans to stop that anytime soon. That’s a win for the kids!

As for the kids’ motive, they all really like each other and want to remain a blended family, the confidant expressed:

“The kids get along great, especially Emme and Fin, they are best friends and talk every day. They tell Ben and Jenny, hey don’t give up, don’t lose this.”

The craziest part is this might be working! Apparently, the director and actress were supposed to announce their divorce over the Fourth of July weekend — kinda symbolic timing considering the notion of freedom and all. LOLz! But, obviously, the duo did no such thing. While they were on different coasts, they also still wore their wedding rings!

Addressing this, a friend told the outlet:

“There might be a delay or plans to split for good may be called off, no one is really sure now, not even her close friends really know.”

The source chimed in:

“Everyone has been waiting for the bombshell news they have lawyered up and are ready to split but it has not come.”

As for how Jennifer Garner feels about this? Another insider said she’s only worried about what’s best for the kids, expressing:

“She is a supermom and always put the kids first so if the kids want Ben and Jennifer to get back together, she is on board with that.”

While the reports are conflicting, some sources have said she’s been a shoulder to lean on for both her ex-husband and his current wife, so that’s promising. Surely, she wouldn’t be helping them both out if she didn’t think they should get back together, ya know? Especially not if it would be bad for the kids.

Now, this certainly doesn’t mean a split isn’t coming — but it does seem to have been put on the back burner for now. Us Weekly sources said earlier on Wednesday that there is a “sliver of hope” that the (former) lovebirds will work things out and that they “still haven’t made a decision” on a divorce yet. So, anything’s possible! With all their kids’ working BTS to get them to reconcile, maybe they have a fighting chance!

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