Emma Watson Reveals Her Secret to the Perfect Espresso Martini | Bottle  Raiders
Would Harry Potter’s Hermione Granger have a signature cocktail? Vogue finds out. Emma Watson attempts Vogue’s ‘Ultimate British Taste Test,’ as she prepares five thirst-quenching cocktails, each with an Emma-twist.

True to head girl form, British Vogue’s January 2024 cover star Emma Watson came prepared with a notebook filled with ‘copious notes.’ “Look, there’s diagrams, there’s amounts… This is true to me: I love learning, and I love note-taking.”

Emma Watson — who co-found sustainable gin brand ‘Renais’ with her younger brother, Alex Watson — opted to personally shake-up a series of cocktails, from an Espresso Martini (a drink reportedly inspired by forever London girls Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell) to the affectionately named ‘Emma Spritz.’

Watch Emma Watson’s Ultimate British Taste Test as the English actress delivers a cocktail masterclass and makes 5 classic cocktails.